Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tiny Tangerines and Big Fears........

     Hi all! Over here where I live the weather was okay. The sun was out but you could not tell because it was so cold. Well, okay, maybe I'm overreacting. Since I do get cold almost all the time. I don't think I always had cold hands and feet.....
     I went to the flea market today. It must be one of my favorite places to go here in California. Have you ever walked down the fruit and vegetable stands? I love the fresh quality and cheap prices.he he. The merchants are so aggressive. But then again, that's what makes it so much fun. They make loud noises with their tongues and one minute speak English then back to Spanish.  
     There was a man who was so surprised that I did not want a sample. Usually I am super giddy when I get a sample. But I had filled myself with these tiny tangerines I had bought 2lbs for 1 dollar. love it! lol. I hate it when I get some with seeds, though. I usually don't have the patience to take out the seeds one by one. So I eat them. I don't have patience especially when I'm hungry.
     Lately one of my biggest fears has been driving. I find for some odd reason I get massive panic attacks. Why? You may ask. I'm not sure. I usually have to put on some music and breathe in and out. I guess I'm afraid to get into an accident. But then again, who isn't? I'm not a bad driver. But it's my anxiety that cripples me sometimes.
    *****I'm looking for some help. I'm in need of a good Monkey Bread recipe. Easter is coming around soon and when it comes to any new recipe I like to test drive it first. Just to make sure I get it right. Do any of you know any good recipe for Monkey Bread? If I do find one I will make sure to post it. Who knows? When Easter comes somebody else might need one too.

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